Improve Communication with Your Community A well organized and easy to use web site is essential so that your potential visitors get the information and services they need. SiteCM is secure & hosted in Canada to protect the privacy of your members and the confidentiality of your information. Get Individual Training & Support. Whether the entire site is managed by one person or each department manages their own content, all users are trained, provided with online help, and toll free support. Document Libraries help keep all of the forms your community needs in one place. With Email Newsletters, you keep everyone up to date on your latest news. A fully responsive design means your site will look stunning on desk top monitors, laptops, tablets and smart phones.
Trusted by: Early Learning Society Kamloops BC Bruderschaft Blue River, BC Kamloops Sunrays Artistic Swimming BC Artistic Swimming Kamloops Family History Society Northern Lights Health Foundation PEFC Canada Rayleigh Waterworks District Spallumcheen Township Yellowhead Community Services