1 (888) 374 0906

July Update.

I could pretend we sent the earlier email just to illustrate how important proof reading and testing is, but the truth is, it is the Friday of a long weekend, last day of July, and I REALLY wanted to get a newsletter out this month.  The link for the BC Wildlife Park has been corrected.

Have a great weekend.

Recent Launches

GNK Insurance Crusader

BC Wildlife Park Logo

GNK Insurance

GNK is a full-service general insurance brokerage with offices in Vancouver and Burnaby.  We designed a new fully responsive custom site and helped them create an informative site for new and existing customers.

View The Site

BC Wildlife Park

The Wildlife Park is an accredited facility on over 100 acres on the eastern edge of Kamloops.  It employs both on site and outreach educational programming to create positive connections to wildlife and allow visitors to experience the interconnectedness of nature.

View The Site

How do you see it?

the truth and project management.jpg 

How you look at something affects how you see it.  Is the object you are looking at square or round?  This is why we ask so many questions when our clients call about creating custom projects.  We all look at things differently and from different sides of the table, the cylinder is either square or round.  Time spent learning about how our clients see their issues helps us design better solutions that benefit them and their customers. Read more at our blog.


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